I don't usually do favourites posts, but I figured I would do a quick round up on the products I've loved this year.
Naturally, the Naked palette has been my most reached for product so far, because it's so versatile! Aside from that, my staples have become my Too Faced Natural Eye palette and the Mac Paint Pot in Painterly which is a fantastic base that sometimes doubles as a concealer. The No7 brush is amazing and I'm so glad I got it as it really does blend exceptionally well and is my most used brush.
The Sleek Pout Paints have basically made most of my other lippies redundant - again so versatile and I adore mixing the colours and my first MAC lipstick in Speak Louder, a pressie from my sister, is a gorgeous pink colour that I just adore using.
So as for cheeks, this L'Oreal blush has been used so much by me this year I've hit the pan! The Fenberry blush shouldn't really count but I haven't stopped using it since I got it and it will definitely become a staple in my makeup bag.
Finally, this Clinique moisture surge gel is great and basically the only skincare thing I use consistently.
So that's it from me tonight and I wish you all a very happy new year!
I went shopping today with my best friend as I wanted to check out this shop I've heard a lot about called HEMA. First of all, a friend told me a while ago that their makeup brushes were amazing but I never went to the shop. Then I saw these brushes on Jenny's blog and enquired as to where she got them - HEMA being the answer.
And so I went along today and found lots of brushes that looked really good...dirt cheap!
The eyeliner cost 4,50 € as did the grey brush, I think and the other two cost 2,95€ each! Amazing prices, especially in Luxembourg (UKers may not bat an eyelid seeing as they have amazingly cheap stuff like Primark but for Luxland this is incredibly cheap)
I haven't tried them yet but look forward to!
So as for the FOTD, I've been trying out my Fred Farrugia cream eyeshadow...still not sure and I have used my Sleek berry collection kohl pencil, which I LOVE even if it might make me look tired, I love the way the red contrasts with my blue eyes :)
So I'm feeling a bit bored as I can't update with proper posts yet as my camera needs to charge so I decided to find a tag about New Year's to do instead of just randomly waffling about my year.
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
Not only did I go to Paris for two weeks all by myself, I had my first summer job (films don't count) and had my theatre debut. I thoroughly enjoyed being on stage and I've finally found a hobby that I'm actually good at (without sounding vain).
A picture from our dress rehearsal!
2. What countries did you visit?
I visited the usual countries this year, although I'm not sure travelling through Belgium would count, but aside from that I visited Cologne in Germany, Paris and England. Paris was my definite highlight as it was such a fantastic experience.
Me in Paris at the Sacre-Coeur (with the lovely backdrop of Paris behind me)
3. What moments from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory?
Having a night out (that didn't go exactly to plan) in Paris. It was so much fun being with a bunch of new people in a new city and this night just stuck with me.
4. Where did most of your money go?
Funnily enough, probably on makeup! After all, this is the year I bought the Naked palette and my MAC paintpot.
5. What song will always remind you of 2011?
So many, but for the moment I would say Slow Moving Millie's version of Please, please, please, let me get what I want as the John Lewis advert was so cute and I've listened to the song a lot lately.
6. What do you wish you'd done more of?
To be honest, probably blogging...I've really neglected my blog so far.
7. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Spent time worrying about 'friends' and all that crap.
8. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
At home with my family, I don't really celebrate it much.
9. Did you fall in love in 2011?
I haven't fallen in love, but I did have a pretty massive crush on a guy that didn't work out.
10. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
It's not so much hate, rather I've fallen out with a girl I thought I was really close with (according to her, apparantly not) and who just all of a sudden decided to spend a lot more time with other people, which was hurtful and I decided to sever ties as it's not worth wasting time on ungenuine friendships.
11. What did you want and get?
I desperately wanted to improve my languages somewhat so that I wouldn't fail this new year and with a bit of perseverance, I have improved but I still have a long road ahead of me! Aside from that, I got myself a lovely new camera so that I can get some lovely memories in high resolution .
12. What did you want and not get?
As silly as it sounds, I wanted a boyfriend, yet still the (for the time being) perfect guy eludes me!
13. What was your favorite film(s) of this year?
Naturally, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. I sobbed like a baby the four times I went to watch this! Aside from that, I really enjoyed X-Men: First Class. 14. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
On my birthday -17th-, I went to the graveyard, as has become tradition since 2007, and then had cake with my family and best friend and then went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides with my two best friends.
my birthday cake!
15. Who was the best new person/people you met?
Hmm...this is a bit of a hard one, but I guess it's between Steffi, who's now a classmate of mine for the next three years and a great person to sit next to in English, History, Biology and Physics (I think that's all) and with whom I can always discuss things like blogging or memes ;) Otherwise, it would be Samiha, the resident party girl or Sophie, with whom I lived in Paris and whom I miss incredibly :(
16. Did you learn anything?
How to swear in Russian! 17. Who did you spend Valentines with?
Nobody. 18. Do you live in the same place you did at the beginning of the year?
Yep 19. Did you change your hair? Yes, I got a fringe and frequently hvoer between having it loose or pinned up.
20. Any weddings in 2011?
Yeah, my two very close friends Kate and Will got married. It was a humble affair, very small ;) My cousin got married the day before the Royal Wedding (not intentionally) but I was unable to go.
21. Any babies in 2011?
Don't believe so
22. So overall was it a good year?
It had its ups and downs, I'll be honest, but I think I lived more this year, as stupid as that sound. I definitely had a few new experiences.
23. Were you naughty or nice?
Nice, obviouuuusly.
24. What's your New Year's Resolution?
Improve my german and lose weight!
I hope you guys liked this and please feel free to do the tag and give me your links! I think I WILL tag a few people in this , so Min and Dani and Stephie have now been tagged!
There really is only so many times that I can apologise for my absence and so I say it again, I'm so incredibly sorry for abandoning my blog!
School has been overwhelming, far more so than I expected and due to me gaining more extracurricular activities (I'm not tutoring three little swedish girls on saturdays) and studying a lot more, I've been getting less time to myself and consequently, less time to blog.
I know, it's been the holidays for a few weeks now, why haven't I blogged then? Well, I rushed off to London as soon as school finished to get a visa sorted out for a trip to India and then with the Christmas rush and wanting to spend time with my family, my blog got shunted to the side again.
But now I have dragged myself up to the attic, where my computer resides, and have prepared a blog post. I have a few more in mind, but I won't promise anything as I know damn well I can't keep them.
So in the wake of christmas, what else would I blog about aside from my new possessions, naturally of the beauty variety.
So here are the beauty related presents that I got, I plan on doing some indepth reviews on them individually, I might get the time tomorrow to do so as being the sad sorry sod I am, I don't have any plans for NYE.
So I got a Filthy Gorgeous magnetic nail varnish from my two sisters (click and click funny that, they both have their names incorporated into their blog names, interesting..), a Sephora body glitter lotion thing from Minnie (first link there), an ELF eyeshadow palette from my cousin Naomi (first elf product, yay!!) and the Sleek berry collection.
I'm pretty pleased with the haul, even if it's small, it's a bunch of stuff I like as opposed to lots of things I wouldn't be mad about.
Now aside from makeup, I did get some other stuff that I figured I'd mention.
As you can see, I got several books and DVDS and a perfume from assorted people. The two books are fantastic reads -yes I've finished them both- , I would recommend Runelight (and the first one, Runemarks) by Joanne Harris chaudement especially if you are interested in learning about Norse mythology whilst reading a fantastic story. Inheritance was the final book of the Eragon series and I loved it despite the ending not being what I expected. The QI General Ignorance book shows how much of a QI geek I am and, according to my sister, a Ted (HIMYM, as he looks spouting facts. like me).
As for the DVDs, Harry Potter goes with saying, X-Men stars my current celebrity crush, Michael Fassbender, and is an amazing movie (and has lots of eye candy!). Then you have the Jason Manford dvd that I have yet to watch!
Here we have my main present from my parents, a gorgeous Dorothy Perkins satchel! I don't usually splurge on bags, but felt the need to get this one as I desperately need a new everyday bag.
Here's a pic of me with my bag and my cardie, which you can't see very well, which was also an xmas pressie.
Hope you all like this post and again, please forgive me for being absent all this time! xxx
So first I'm REALLY sorry for my MIA - i've been so caught up in a lot of things I haven't had time to blog!
This is really short post as I'm dead knackered and my bed is calling me.I was at a friend's 18th birthday party last night and I thought I'd show you lot my makeup :) This is a recreation of it as I didn't have the time to take pics before and there haven't been any pics of the party posted on fb yet so I had to make do. I felt like going for a vampy look as it's nearing winter and I'm loving these dark reds!
Urgh thank you blogger for screwing up the quality of these...it's gone and given me the crappy old photo uploader and I can't be bothered to go edit it all at the mo so you'll have to deal with these, sorry!
As a follow up to my makeup post, I thought I'd show you guys what I wore last night as well.It's nothing to go 'OMG AMAZING FASHION' about but compared to most people there (somehow people just go with black and white...how boring), it was quite adventurous.
Yeah. I am quite The Dark Knight obsessed....that's one of my THREE posters...
Anyway, the top is from H&M, the skirt is from H&M, the shoes are from Matalan (I think). Quite H&M orientated, isn't it?
Anyone up for seeing the clothes this morning/afternoon, after the whole partying?
So as you can see, there's quite a lot of glow paint. Samiha, one of my friends, really went a bit OTT ahahaha she drew a heart on my front which ended up going all the way through to my bra! I suppose with a sheer top like that, it's to be expected ahahaha. She is also responsable for the hand print.
And now for some photos in between these few, taken on the iPhone as one does! (not my iPhone, sadly)
Quite crazy, as you can see. I will admit that I exaggerated slightly with painting my friends ahahaha...
Why hello there everyone, hasn't it been a long time?
I really need to apologise about that as I've been absolutely swamped with being sick/having school commitments/going out these past few weeks. Add to that that I have recently acquired an iPod Touch, well, I don't go on my computer often then, do it?
Last night, I went out with two good friends to a club that had a gow paint party, which was awesome! I would recommend not getting it in your hair/on your scalp as it really is a pain to get out (had to shampoo my hair twice and it still felt dry).
I have got some FOTN pictures for you all as I decided to go for a -gasp- smokey eye! I know, me, the girl who usually stays well away from them, decided to give it a go (:
I'm sorry, I've only just realised I have the same gormless expression on each picture. Awkward much?!
Anyway, I am in LOVE with the eyeshadow I used. This eyeshadow being MUA shade 12, the well know MAC Club dupe and I adore it, if it's a dupe or not. The duochrome makes it look flashy enough to wear on its own, although I did use a black eyeliner base on my eyelids to make it pop more.
I'm actually also quite pleased with my eyeliner flick! I used Sephora's liquid eyeliner, which I got for 5€ and to begin with, hated it as I got it EVERYWHERE, but I did the pencil trick to balance the flick and I think it ended up quite well :)
check out the Batman- The Dark Knight sheet music in the background..
And this here would explain the absence of review posts as I can't really swatch on my arm and it's a pain doing it on my right arm. I've been involved with this exchange project with Indian youths and they were over in Luxembourg and one of them did beautiful henna for a few people and this is my one! Unfortunately, it's faded now and is nearly gone...):
I hope you girls like this post and if you have any questions about products I used, let me know! :)
Hello! As promised, here's the post with various FOTDs from the past weeks. Now I must admit, I've been a bit lazy for school - usually mascara, concealer, blush is all I've been doing lately. Amazing, me, the supposed makeup addict?!
Here is a such a photo from late afternoon when I'm wearing my comfort cardie and my makeup seems to have mostly vanished (and my hair's gone and done its own thing too)
And here's my usual face although with a bit more blusher and with Sleek Pout Paint in Milkshake.
Now you may notice a difference here and that is that I straightened my hair. It's not poker straight as it was straightened two days ago and this is it just starting to curl a bit. I quite like it like this, I think I'll do it more often.Anyway, I kept my face a tad minimal cause I went for the bright orange lips (Sleek Pout Paint in Lava). I do like this look, I think I'll be rocking orange lips a bit more often in the future.